I could care less if it’s half-full or half-empty as long as I can fill it up. ~Shawn Achor
Have you ever worked with a leader who had a scarcity mindset? Maybe someone who never fully divulged all the information you needed to do your job. Or someone who hoarded their network and connections. Maybe it was that leader who always seemed to take the credit for everything, after all, you were their employee so shouldn’t they really get the credit?
These leaders’ typical leadership style focuses on keeping something for themselves—information, relationships, credit, etc. They fear scarcity. When leaders function from a mindset of scarcity, they focus inward, it’s about themselves. But when leadership comes from a mindset of abundance, the focus is outward, it’s all about others.
I enjoy Shawn Achor’s writing and I love his TED Talk. So when I came across his quote, “I could care less if it’s half-full or half-empty as long as I can fill it up,” I needed to read more.
I would suggest a different way of looking at the metaphorical glass. We get so focused on ourselves and what’s inside the glass—our physical possessions, daily moods, failures and triumphs—and we can argue forever about the merits of being an optimist or a pessimist. Ultimately, however, the contents of the glass don’t matter; what’s more important is to realize there’s a pitcher of water nearby. In other words, we have the capacity to refill the glass, or to change our outlook.
Instead of asking ourselves whether we see the glass as half-empty or half-full, what if we focus instead on our pitcher? (Shawn Achor, Success magazine, January 23, 2015)
If we’re focusing on the pitcher, then we must have an abundance mindset. Want to have more of an abundance mindset? Here are two lists to get you started. This first list is from Patrick Leddin, professor at Vanderbilt University, consultant, and writer.
- Give others credit
- Ask for input
- Extend trust
- Coach others
- Share ideas
- Connect people
- Meet unspoken needs
- Listen more
From John Maxwell’s 6 Tips to Develop and Model an Abundance Mindset
- Offer words of appreciation
- Choose to see opportunity
- Remind yourself that there is more than enough
- Carefully select the company you keep
- Spend time in reflection
- Give more of what you want
Now, go, lead as if a pitcher of water is nearby.