Deep, broad reading habits are often a defining characteristic of our greatest leaders and can catalyze insight, innovation, empathy, and personal effectiveness. ~ John Coleman
I was eavesdropping in the grocery store. This is not something I do on a regular basis, but I had just turned to go down a new aisle when I overheard someone in the previous aisle (who was speaking quite loudly) say, “I can remember the last book I read, cover to cover.” So I paused because I was curious if he was going to reveal just how long ago it was that he read a book, cover to cover. I then heard the answer: the sixth grade! He almost seemed proud of his response, or maybe he was just proud of the fact that he could remember that long ago. Based on his voice, he was clearly in his adult years.
Unfortunately, this young man is not alone. The number of non-book-readers has nearly tripled since 1978. According to Pew Research it’s gone from 8% in 1978 to 23% in 2014. That means nearly one out of four adults has not read a single book in the last year.
What’s that got to do with leadership? It has everything to do with leadership! John Coleman, author of For Those Who Want to Lead, Read, said:
Reading increases verbal intelligence, making a leader a more adept and articulate communicator. Reading novels can improve empathy and understanding of social cues, allowing a leader to better work with and understand others — traits that author Anne Kreamer persuasively linked to increased organizational effectiveness, and to pay raises and promotions for the leaders who possessed these qualities. And any business person understands that heightened emotional intelligence will improve his or her leadership and management ability.
Finally, an active literary life can make you more personally effective by keeping you relaxed and improving health. For stressed executives, reading is the best way to relax, as reading for six minutes can reduce stress by 68%, and some studies suggest reading may even fend off Alzheimer’s, extending the longevity of the mind.
In, Kelesy Meyer recently said, “If you are a leader, you should be striving to develop knowledge to improve yourself, your company and the people who work for you. To do anything less is to shortchange your ability to lead.”
I’ve had leaders say to me, “I just don’t have time to read.” Right now, I can’t think of a single leader who has said that to me who’s leading a thriving organization.
Speaking for myself, I know that when I’m reading my creativity is enhanced, I can grab examples from my mental library to help both clients and friends identify more options to their challenges. I think more optimistically and I have more energy when I’m reading.
Leadership author, Bill Hybels, said, “I have little patience with leaders who get themselves into leadership binds and then confess that they haven’t read a leadership book in years. If you’re a serious-minded leader, you will read. You will read all you can.”
Thanks for including me on your distribution list, Kathryn. I am just finishing my first cover-2-cover read in quite some time. “The End of College” was highlighted on NPR when Terri Gross interviewed the author on Fresh Air. I have strongly suspected that the increasingly expensive college experience is not sustainable; it caught my attention. The author made a strong position that traditional “hybrid” universities of brick and mortar are finally being threatened by what he calls the University of Everywhere. Very well written and difficult to put down. In general, though, most of my “reading” is through books on CD. I have read many many by that medium. But my question is, pertaining to leadership, does the reading of that literature focus on how-to, new ideas or inspiration, etc I’m inclined to believe that leadership is mostly on-the-job training and mentoring. Is the reading a partial but necessary supplement?
PS blessings for holy week.