Are you a present leader?

Greatness comes from being in the moment, here, present, in the now.  ~Dr. Wayne Dyer

here and nowI find it interesting that all leaders really have control over is the present moment, yet they spend many of their waking hours lamenting over the past or pontificating about the future.

When Dr. Wayne Dyer commented about this idea that greatness comes from being in the moment, he also added that we need to spend less time thinking “big” and more time thinking “small.” His point is that great leaders take on difficulties while they are still small; they achieve greatness in little things. This is somewhat contradictory to many leadership gurus’ emphases on visions, goals, and the infamous BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) from Jim Collins. I’m not advocating against these visions or goals; however, I also believe there is real wisdom in Dyer’s perspective.

I’ve helped a number of clients create visions—their grand plan for how they want the world to look in the future, and their strategy to make it a reality. But then they struggle to gain traction or momentum. So they go back to the strategy room and revisit their grand plan, give it a few tweaks and some edits. Again, no traction.

You don’t reach a vision overnight, that’s why it’s called a vision. Some organizations, and individuals, will create stretch goals so they can reach that vision more quickly. We’re impatient and we overlook the obvious, what’s right in front of us—the present moment, the here and now.

When we’re not moving toward our vision we assume that it’s the vision that needs changing, when many times it’s the present moment that’s the issue. Or said another way, it’s the small things that need our attention, the things in the present moment, right in front of us. When those small things start to align, then we are able to make progress toward that grand vision.

An unknown author said, “When I am anxious it is because I am living in the future. When I am depressed it is because I am living in the past.” David Bader gives all leaders some excellent advice, “Be here now. Be someplace else later. Is that so complicated”?

Leaders, spend time in the present moment today.