Coach, consultant, mentor, counselor, oh my!

Leaders ask for and accept help along the way.  Good leaders know they can’t do it all themselves, and that even the strongest person needs support.  ~Erika Anderson

In today’s fast-pachelpinged and intense work environment, it seems to take a team of people to help us find, and stay, on a positive and productive path.  At different times and in various circumstances we may benefit from the assistance of a coach, a consultant, a counselor, or a mentor.

On a number of occasions I’ve been asked, “What is the difference?”  “How do you know which of the services you really need?”  I reviewed several of my resources and put some simple descriptions in writing so I could quickly respond to that question in the future.  Here’s my quick summary.

Coaching: is all about taking action, wanting things to change (wanting things to be different or better).  It’s about taking ownership and responsibility.  Coaching is future-oriented.  Coaching is about asking, “What would you like to change?”

3 Things a Coach Does

  • Helps the client become self-ware
  • Helps the client become self-decisive
  • Helps the client take self-directed action

A coach works with a functional person to get them to become exceptional.  In coaching, the client is the content expert.  The coach collaborates with the client to create a solution using the client’s knowledge and answers.

Consulting: the consultant is the expert who assesses a problem or situation and provides a solution, or tells the client what to do.

Mentoring:  like a consultant, a mentor passes on the benefit of a set of specific experiences.  They bestow their knowledge and wisdom onto the student.  The student looks up to the mentor and seeks guidance and advice from the mentor.  Many times mentors are volunteers or a professional colleague.

Counseling: tends to focus on feelings and experiences related to past events. The problem from the past may be destructive, debilitating, or interfering.  Counselors typically work with people who need help to become emotionally healthy.

Author Anne Wilson Schaef said, “Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent.  It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.”

Are you a leader who should be asking for some help?