Do you create meaningful moments?

Effective leaders knocommunicationw that healthy communication requires the energy of connection—with inclusion, recognition, clear directions, meaningful interaction and feedback as the nerve center of the organization.  ~Lou Solomon (HBR, June 24, 2015)

A recent Interact/Harris Poll with 1,000 U.S. workers reported that 91% of employees say communication issues can drag executives down.  In rank order, the following were the top communication issues people said were preventing business leaders from being effective:

  • Not recognizing employee achievements
  • Not giving clear directions
  • Not having time to meet with employees
  • Refusing to talk to subordinates
  • Taking credit for others’ ideas
  • Not offering constructive criticism
  • Not knowing employee’s names
  • Refusing to talk to people on the phone/in person
  • Not asking about employees’ lives outside of work

The article goes on to say, “The data shows that the vast majority of leaders are not engaging in crucial moments that could help employees see them as trustworthy.”

It seems that everywhere I turn these days organizations are struggling with trust between staff and leadership.  I think it’s both interesting and really important to note that this HBR article is emphasizing communication as a key component of trust.

The quote for today (also included in the HBR article) uses a phrase that is at the crux of this challenge: “requires the energy of connection.”  Making a real connection through communication requires energy.  More energy (I think) than a lot of leaders are willing to invest; consequently, they pay the price.  The price being lack of trust and what frequently follows lack of trust – low morale.

In real estate the mantra is: location, location, location.  In leadership the mantra should be: communication, communication, communication.